Mon,Apr 28,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Driver kills six pedestrians in SE China

(Xinhua)    18:54, April 28, 2014
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FUZHOU, April 28 -- Six people have been confirmed dead after a driver allegedly drove his car and plowed into roadside pedestrians in southeast China's Fuzhou City on Monday, local police said.

Police received a phone call at around 11:19 a.m. saying a man left the scene in his Lexus after hitting pedestrians with the vehicle in what appeared to be an intentional act in Qingshi Town, according to the public security bureau of the Fuzhou municipal government.

Six people, including three children, were killed at the site and 13 others were injured.

Police managed to stop the car at around 11:30 a.m. and subdued the driver.

The victims were mostly students from a nearby primary school and their families, who had come to pick them up for lunch break, according to the bureau.

(Editor:HuangJin、Yao Chun)

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