Fri,Mar 28,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Restaurant blast injures 14 in Beijing

(Xinhua)    17:27, March 28, 2014
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BEIJING, March 28 -- Fourteen people were injured after a gas explosion in a restaurant in Tongzhou District, eastern Beijing, on Friday morning.

Police said the blast happened at about 7:20 a.m. causing the building to collapse, injuring people inside and passers-by.

The injured have been taken to hospital. Two people are in intensive care, while 11 others have been discharged after receiving treatment for minor traumas.

The restaurant is on a street that mainly sells food. Several other shops near the building were damaged by the explosion.

The cause of the explosion is under investigation. Police said the blast was likely to have been triggered by kitchen gas.

(Editor:HuangJin、Yao Chun)

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