Wed,Mar 12,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

HK concludes campaign to promote safe driving

(Xinhua)    19:51, March 12, 2014
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HONG KONG, March 12 -- Hong Kong police have concluded a territory-wide campaign to remind drivers of public service and goods vehicles of the importance of safe driving.

"The campaign is aimed at enhancing the public awareness of road safety and reducing traffic accidents," a police spokesman said Wednesday.

This was the latest program of an ongoing series of campaigns conducted by Hong Kong police via publicity, education and enforcement to target moving traffic offences.

Conducted between March 5 and 11, the campaign resulted in the issue of 17 verbal warnings, 156 summons, 2,930 fixed penalty tickets and the arrest of one driver.

Officers from Police Regional Road Safety Teams visited 230 locations throughout the territory and distributed over 10,000 leaflets to drivers of public service vehicles, goods vehicles and members of the public.

(Editor:KongDefang、Yao Chun)

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