Wed,May 7,2014

Editor's Pick

White House locked down after car follows motorcade into secure area

(Xinhua)    09:21, May 07, 2014
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WASHINGTON, May 6 -- The White House was locked down temporarily Tuesday afternoon after a vehicle followed a motorcade into a secure area, according to local media reports.

A U.S. Secret Service spokesperson said a vehicle followed a motorcade into the secure area Tuesday afternoon and put the White House complex on lockdown, CNN reported.

The driver of the vehicle was stopped by Secret Service uniformed officers at a checkpoint and taken into custody and police checked the car for explosives.

The motorcade included the two daughters of U.S. President Barack Obama, CNN quoted a source familiar with the incident.

In about an hour, the security lockdown was lifted.

(Editor:DuMingming、Gao Yinan)

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