Tue,Mar 18,2014

Editor's Pick

China urges int'l support for Afghanistan's transition

(Xinhua)    08:04, March 18, 2014
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UNITED NATIONS, March 17 -- A Chinese envoy on Monday called on the international community to continue its support to Afghanistan's ongoing transition as well as an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned national reconciliation process.

Liu Jieyi, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, made the call here at a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Afghanistan.

"2014 is a crucial year for the transition of Afghanistan, during which it will undergo three dimensional transitions on political, security and economic fronts," Liu told the 15-member Council.

"The upcoming 2014 presidential and provincial council elections slated for April represent an important milestone in Afghanistan's political transition," he said.

Meanwhile, Liu noted that the security situation in Afghanistan remains fragile, and China is concern about the frequent occurrence of security incidents in the country, which has resulted in increased civilian casualties.

"China supports the continued capacity building of the Afghan military and police so as to ensure the successful completion of the security transition," he said, adding that Beijing also supports "an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned national reconciliation process and the efforts made by the High Peace Council in this regard."

China welcomes the provision of additional support to Afghanistan by countries of the region, said the envoy.

"China hopes that the international community will honor its commitment to providing assistance to Afghanistan and help Afghanistan implement the government's National Priority Programs, " he said.

According to Liu, China will host the Foreign Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan in August, thereby further strengthening efforts to promote cooperation among the countries of the region and peace, stability and development in Afghanistan and in the region.

"China has been actively involved in the peace and reconstruction process in Afghanistan, providing assistance to the country to the extent of its ability," the ambassador said.

"China stands ready to work together with the international community to play a constructive role in helping Afghanistan achieve at an earlier date political reconciliation and economic revitalization, and embark on a road towards lasting peace and sustainable development," he pledged.

(Editor:SunZhao、Yao Chun)

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