
Russian Beluga Whale Settles in Northeast China

An Arctic beluga has recently moved from Russia to a polar oceanarium in Northeast China's Dalian city.


An Arctic beluga has recently moved from Russia to a polar oceanarium in Northeast China's Dalian city.

In Russia the three-year-old female beluga, measuring four meters in length and 50 kilograms in weight, learnt how to twirl, sing and kiss people.

Despite having an amiable disposition, once irritated, the beluga pouts her lips and makes noisy complaints.

The Tiger Beach Polar Oceanarium, her new residence, has two or three tons of ice at hand to keep the water cool so the beluga can adapt to life in China.

The beluga will be shown to visitors during the next Spring Festival.

Meanwhile, another three beluga are being trained in Russia and will be transported to the oceanarium next March.

With a life expectancy ranging between 30 to 40 years, the beluga is a sea mammal living in the North Polar region. It can eat up to 50 kilograms of live fish a day.

Its skin color is pale gray at birth but turns white as it matures.

Years of life under Arctic ice layers have made its dorsal and fore fins very smooth.

Jointly financed by Dalian Tiger Beach Amusement Park and an overseas petroleum company, the oceanarium whose construction cost 360 million yuan (US$43.37 million) will begin operation during the next Spring Festival.
