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China to promote extensive fitness-for-all activities

BEIJING, March 11 (Xinhua) -- China will further promote extensive fitness-for-all activities, pledging continuous efforts to expand the supply of sports events, fitness venues, and facilities in local communities, a senior sports official said Monday. Gao Zhidan, head of the General Administration of Sport of China, made the remarks while meeting the press after the conclusion of the annual session of the National People's Congress, China's national legislature.

Two sessions ‘to guide China’s development’ with new thoughts, targets

Xi Jinping and other top Chinese leaders attend the closing meeting of the second session of the 14th National People's Congress on March 11, 2024 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Photo: Xinhua The National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature, held the closing meeting of its annual session on Monday, during which lawmakers approved and passed a series of work reports and resolutions related to China's economic development plan, rule of law and central budget, marking the successful conclusion of the two sessions in 2024.

China sees robust recovery, vigorous growth in cultural, tourism industries: minister

BEIJING, March 11 (Xinhua) -- The cultural and tourism industries in China saw strong recovery and vigorous growth in 2023, Sun Yeli, minister of culture and tourism, said on Monday. "The tourism boom has played a crucial role in stimulating domestic demand, promoting employment, invigorating the market and bolstering confidence," Sun remarked while meeting the press after the closing of China's annual national legislative session.

Deputies urged to help advance modernization

Zhao Leji, chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, delivers a speech on Monday at the closing meeting of the second session of the 14th NPC in Beijing. FENG YONGBIN/CHINA DAILY Stressing the importance of developing whole-process people's democracy, China's top legislator called on national lawmakers on Monday to unite and gather strength to continuously promote Chinese modernization and realize people's aspirations for a better life.

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