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China’s transportation sector pioneers green transition

The East Sixth Ring Road is a major transportation artery in Beijing, bustling with steady streams of cars every day. Beneath this road, workers are busy and China's largest tunnel boring machine is operating at full capacity to construct new underground sections of the East Sixth Ring Road.

A glimpse into express packaging box's carbon reduction journey in China

In recent years, China has constantly promoted the minimization, standardization and recycling of express packaging, continuously reducing energy consumption while boosting the green development of its express delivery sector. China's express delivery sector has maintained rapid growth over the past decades.

Aluminum industry in Guangxi sees fruitful results in green, low-carbon development

What is "green aluminum?" People's Daily recently visited Guangxi Investment Group Yinhai Aluminum Co., Ltd.

Multinational companies enjoy rosy opportunities for sustainable development in China

Beauty is an essential human need. However, the pursuit of beauty has had adverse effects on the environment due to the beauty industry's heavy reliance on plastics and use of chemical ingredients.

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