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BRICS cooperation boosts common development, global recovery

BEIJING, June 21 (Xinhua) -- Despite rising uncertainties, BRICS nations have made remarkable achievements in cooperation, helping promote common development and global economic recovery. BRICS, an emerging-market group which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, represents approximately 40 percent of the global population and accounts for about 25 percent of the global economy.

China sees robust trade growth with BRICS countries

BEIJING, June 21 (Xinhua) -- Trade between China and other BRICS countries recorded a 12.1-percent year-on-year rise to reach 1.

BRICS partnership stands strong amid global challenges

*The 14th summit of BRICS, an emerging-market group that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will be held this week in virtual format under the theme of "Foster High-quality BRICS Partnership, Usher in a New Era for Global Development" under China's chairmanship. *The achievement of BRICS cooperation has not only enhanced the say of emerging markets and developing countries in the world, but also made BRICS an important platform for promoting South-South cooperation.

Xi Focus: Fist, pie, task force -- catchphrases for BRICS cooperation

BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhua) -- The 14th BRICS Summit is slated to be held under China's chairmanship this week, at a time when the emerging markets and developing countries are coping with an increasingly volatile world. The summit and two other related high-level events -- the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and the BRICS Business Forum, running from Wednesday through Friday, will gather online the leaders of the world's five prominent emerging markets -- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa -- as well as leaders from other developing countries.

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