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Live: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang takes questions from the media

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang takes questions from Chinese and foreign reporters after the conclusion of the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress on Thursday afternoon. The press conference is virtual in consideration of epidemic prevention and control and public health protection.

Interview: "Two sessions" offer window into how China builds consensus, says U.S. expert

Legal basis of NPC improving electoral system of HKSAR solid: Hong Kong's legal sector

People hold up China's national flag during a flash mob to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on the Golden Bauhinia Square in Hong Kong, south China, Sept. 28, 2019.

Photo taken on Dec. 21, 2020, shows an aerial view of the phase-one scientific research base of Zhejiang Lab in Yuhang district, Hangzhou, capital of east China’s Zhejiang province. The research base includes an administrative building, a big data center, a network research institute, an intelligent robot research center, and etc. (People’s Daily Online/Long Wei)

New changes to draft outline of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan

The draft outline of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), the first five-year period after the country embarked on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist country, charts the route for China’s development with 20 indicators in five categories covering economic development, innovation, well-being of the people, green development, and security guarantee. Like the country’s previous five-year plans for national economic and social development, the draft outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan, which was reviewed at the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, places indicators of economic development top on the list.

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