'Made in China': A Christmas gift

Each Christmas morning, when you open your sleepy eyes, the presents that light you up most probably bear a "Made in China" label. However, facing a declining economic growth, ballooning deficit and looming "fiscal cliff", the Christmas season in the United States this year seems particularly chilly.

Rediscovering the Awakening Dragon

The Engine of Global Economic Growth

The Trading Power: A Decade of Growth

Since the 16th CPC National Congress, the golden decade has witnessed China's fastest growth in its trading history and the emergence of a new trading power. [More]

Investing in China: A Time of Harvest

The huge Chinese market, abundant resources as well as increasingly friendlier business environment have made China a sustained growth engine for MNCs. [More]

Vibrant Opportunities amid Transition

After a decade of growth driven by exports, the powerful economic engine is slowing down. Is the shining Oriental Pearl losing its luster to global investors? [More]

The author is the editor-in-chief of the business channel at People's Daily Online.