Beijing, Feb.12, 2015 (People's Daily Online) - It is a great pleasure and honor for me to address the People's Daily Online viewers and to take this opportunity to wish them and all the Chinese people all the best for the New Year, Year of the Sheep.
I think this is always nice to have a chance to say that I really appreciate living and working in China for the development of relations between Poland and China.
In fact, this is my sixth year. half of the cycle of Zodiac science in China.
I am very proud to represent Poland here. Because we are enjoying a very good time of bilateral relations. Of course, Poland was one of the very first countries to recognize new China in October 1949. We celebrated 65th anniversary last year.
We have had always good relations but I think the last few years is the period of very dynamic growth of those relations. We have enjoyed the improvement of political relations and enhance the relations by elevating them to the level of strategic partnership by the President of Poland and China in 2011. We have organised important political visits, political events for Poland and China and also for Poland and the whole Eastern Europe and China in Warsaw. So our relations are standing roaring.
But I also have had the chance to experience the growing of economic relations. Our trade is steadily growing. The investment is growing. And I hope that will be growing even faster, because still the potential of Poland and China are not used this full. Polish economy is the only one in Europe which is growing for over twenty years without any stopping. Chinese economic is growing forward for 30 years without stopping. So the Chinese position in the world and the Polish position in Europe are very good points for even further increasing the business and trade relations between our countries. We still have to learn about each other better. We have to learn and discover the opportunities that exist between Poland and China. But potential is there and I am sure in the few coming years, including the year of sheep which will start in a moment, will bring more trade, more investment and more cooperation between business communities of Poland and China.
Last but not least, relations in culture are also steadily growing. In last few years, Polish embassy co-organised 100 culture events every year. This year it is bringing some important events. We have just organised the most important presentation of Polish art in our history in Chinese National Museum in Beijing. We have several centuries of Polish. It goes like "Treasures from Chopin's Land". So I encourage all Chinese to take a chance to look into this exhibition to see how rich and how differentiated Polish culture is because I think everybody knows Chopin but not many Chinese know the richness and the long traditional of Polish culture. Once we close this exhibition in May, we will open an exhibition of modern art at the National Gallery of China. This exhibition is sound the newest trends in the Polish art. It is the best presentation of modern art from Poland in China. So then you can see what the modern Polish art looks like.
Apart from the exhibition, we will have a lot of very good musicians performing classical music, modern music, jazz music and pop music in China this year. We have our leading theatre director and the best of best actors in Europe coming to China.
We will have a review of Polish theatre and cinema in Beijing Film Festival and many other opportunities for Chinese people to know about Poland.
So I think the year of the Sheep will be very successful for bilateral relations further growth in cultural exchange, educational exchange, and more students going between our countries in business lives and in politics. We also expect some important events.
And again I would like to wish the Chinese people and especially the viewers of People's Daily Online every success in your personal life, in your professional life. And I hope you will be having good careers, good money, good luck coming to you. Most of all, very nice personal life, full of happiness, love, joy and good feelings of the holy year. I wish you that all again.