Wednesday, July 21, 1999 updated at  11:20

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Poverty Relief --- A Solemn Pledge

Ningxia Steps Up Implementation of Four Major Help-the-Poor Projects

    The Party committee and government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region recently declared that this year the region will step up implementation of four major help-the-poor projects, conscientiously improve rural infrastructure facilities in Xihaigu Prefecture and guarantee achievement of the goal this year of basically solving the problem of getting enough food and clothing for the people in the prefecture as a whole.

    This year is the year of decisive battle in Ningxia's difficult anti-poverty struggle. The Party committee and government of the autonomous region have decided to seize the opportunity to speed up construction of four major anti-poverty basic projects:--The anti-poverty project of lifting Yellow River water for irrigation.--The capital farmland construction project involving mainly terracing of land on slopes.--Well and pit project. Fulfillment of this year's task of digging 30,000 wells will be guaranteed, achieving the goal of ensuring three pits per household. And--Anti-poverty project in the field of transportation, electricity, telecommunications, radio and television

Copyright by People's Daily Online
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