Wednesday, July 21, 1999 updated at  11:19

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Poverty Relief --- A Solemn Pledge

Unite As One to Tackle Difficult Anti-Poverty Task

    Our newspaper, the People's Daily, today publishes an editorial calling for united efforts to tackle the difficult problem of eliminating poverty. The editorial says:

    At present, the anti-poverty battle, aimed at basically solving the problem of helping the poverty-stricken rural people to get enough food and clothing, has entered the final stage of decisive engagement. At the crucial moment, the central anti-poverty working conference held by the Party Central Committee and the State Council fully demonstrates the determination and confidence of the Party and government to fulfill the difficult anti-poverty task on schedule.

    The editorial points out that relieving and eliminating poverty and realizing common prosperity is the essential requirement of the socialist system, as well as the centuries-old great ideal of the Chinese nation. In order to realize this ideal, the Chinese Communists have led the people of all ethnic groups of China in an arduous, long-term endeavor. The founding of New China has provided a basic institutional guarantee for the fundamental solution to the problem of poverty in China. The whole set of rural policies and the rapid development of the national economy over the years since the start of reform and opening up have created favorable conditions and a material foundation for a comprehensive solution to the problem of getting enough food and clothing for the poverty-stricken rural population

    The editorial continues, over the past 20 years, we have solved the problem of feeding and clothing more than 200 million poor people in rural areas, as a result, the basic production and living conditions in poverty-stricken areas have been notably improved, social undertakings in the realms of science, technology, culture, education and public health have developed rapidly, and economic and social outlook has undergone profound changes. This is an extraordinarily enormous achievement whether in terms of Chinese history or in the world as a whole. Under the circumstance wherein the poverty-stricken population continues to increase worldwide and the state of poverty is deteriorating, China's achievements gained in anti-poverty effort through development fully demonstrates the superiority of the socialist system, as well as the great attention paid by our Party and government to the rights of subsistence and development-the most fundamental human rights. This represents the important contribution China has made to the world human rights undertaking.

    The editorial notes that in this and next years, efforts should be made to solve the problem of getting enough food and clothing for about 10 million poor rural people. It goes without saying that this is a very difficult task. However, no matter how much and how big the difficulty is, our anti-poverty target must not be changed and our determination must never be shaken. It is the bounden historical responsibility of the Party and government, as well as a major matter that concerns economic development, national unity, social stability and frontier consolidation.

    It should be noticed, the editorial says, that there are both difficulties and many favorable conditions for fulfilling this task. The high degree of attention paid to this work by the Party Central Committee, the State Council, as well as Party committees and governments at various levels, the active support extended by various social circles, the constantly increased anti-poverty investment made by the central and local governments. Through many years of efforts in helping the poor through development, poverty-stricken areas have built up fairly strong self-development abilities and created and accumulated a rich store of successful experiences. As long as we make full use of these favorable conditions, inspire enthusiasm and work in a down-to-earth manner, we can definitely achieve our goal of basically solving the problem of ensuring enough food and clothing for poverty-stricken rural population.

    The editorial indicates that to do a good job in the difficult anti-poverty work this and next years, the question of prime importance is to further correct the guiding ideology and follow the right path.

    The editorial concludes that so long as the whole Party and the whole society further mobilize themselves, raise high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, unite as one in their efforts to tackle the difficult anti-poverty problem, they can certainly achieve final victory in the anti-poverty struggle.

Copyright by People's Daily Online
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