Monday, July 19, 1999 updated at  15:59

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China Fighting Against Flood

Flood Causes 4.6 Billion Yuan Losses In Central China Province

     Up to now, central China's Hubei Province has suffered an economic loss of over 4.6 billion yuan from repeated floods since June.

     Since mid-June, heavy rain hit the province at the middle of the Yangtze River, causing severe floods.

     Statistics from the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters show that by July 10, 11.3 million people were affected by the floods and 360,000 people were once besieged by floods.

     The floods damaged nearly 100,000 residential houses, toppled down 34,000 houses, causing a death toll of 36 people.

     The floods inundated 1.13 million ha of farmland, causing a grain output loss of 880,000 tons. The floods also killed 5,200 cows, horses and other livestock. More than 2,000 companies had to halt production or limit their production. (Xinhua)

Copyright by People's Daily Online
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