Monday, July 19, 1999 updated at  15:58

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China Fighting Against Flood

Water Experts Prepare to Tackle Yellow River Floods

     Work on the Xiaolangdi Water Control Project along the Yellow River has been speeded up in a bid to prevent the expected flooding this summer which officials believe could be even worse than last year's devastating torrents.

     Part of the project involves the construction of a dam which has already reached a height of 220 meters, 20 meters higher than scheduled. Planners say the reservoir behind it can contain 2.75 billion cubic meters of water.

     Further control mechanisms such as flood diversion channels and tunnels have also been completed ahead of schedule. "We are working around clock to build the dam higher and more solid so as to prevent even worse than expected flooding," said a project official at the dam site.

     Designed to mainly stem flooding on the Yellow River, China's second longest waterway, the Project will cost around a total of 40 billion yuan (4.8 billion US dollars) and is second only in size to the Three Gorges Project along the Yangtze River.

     Construction started in September 1991 and is due to be completed in the year 2001. (Xinhua)

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