Monday, July 19, 1999 updated at  15:58

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China Fighting Against Flood

Vice Premier Calls for Increased Anti-Flood Efforts

     China's flood control emergency services have been put on full alert as the country enters the summer flood season and governments at various levels should be fully prepared.

     The warning came from Vice Premier Wen Jiabao who said that since the start of last month exceedingly heavy rainfalls have caused flooding in east China's Taihu Lake region and some areas along the Yangtze River.

     He made remarks when addressing the second plenary meeting of the State Headquarters for Flood Control and Drought Relief ( SHFCDR) on July 1 afternoon.

     Leading officials of the SHFCDR told those present that as of 14:00 pm (Beijing Time) today, the water level of the Taihu Lake had risen to 4.82 meters, 0.03 meters higher than its previous recorded high.

     Meanwhile, parts of Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei and Fujian provinces have also been severely affected by floods, according to the officials.

     Thanks to efforts by local officials and people, losses from the flooding were reduced to as small as possible. Meteorological reports indicate that the rainfalls will basically stop by tomorrow.

     Wen urged officials at various levels to be prepared for possible disasters, shoulder responsibility for flood prevention and take concrete measures so as to reduce losses of both lives and properties.

     "The key task now is to increase flood prevention efforts in the southern region and local governments in the Taihu Lake area should strive to ensure the safety of major dykes and cities," Wen said.

     "Flood control departments should have emergency programs already in place, make full use of flood control facilities and efficiently arrange anti-flood work," Wen added.

     The vice premier also called for those departments involved to increase coordination and cooperation, and earnestly exercise their respective duties for the final success of the anti-flood work. (Xinhua)

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