Tuesday, December 07, 1999 updated at  09:46

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China Bans Falun Gong

Falun Gong Accused of Destroying Family in Montreal

     Falun Gong, the evil cult banned in China, was accused of destroying family life Sunday in Montreal, Canada.

     Chinese Canadian Chen Meili and her husband, who live in Vancouver, told a gathering of leading Chinese Canadians in Montreal that their family has been seriously ruined by the Falun Gong organization

     Their daughter Chen Xiaolin is still recovering from schizophrenia as a result of practicing Falun Gong, which has caused deaths of more than 1,400 innocent people on the Chinese mainland, in addition to countless injuries.

     Xiaolin's husband said months ago that he wanted to divorce because Xiaolin was too indulged in the weird concepts of Falun Dafa to take any care of their little kids and the family, according to the parents.

     Xiaolin, once a loving mother, had become so cruel that she even attempted to stifle the months-old baby with a pillow, as she felt disturbed by the baby's crying during her practice, the parents said.

     Xiaolin was haunted by the so-called "sacred wheel" spinning and cutting in her head and stomach.

     The imagined "wheel" is what the cult leader Li Hongzhi describes as a key fixed in a member's body which could lead to the "heavenly kingdom" under the protection of his "sacred body."

     Many Falun Gong members have committed suicides in pursuit of the "sacred wheel" or the "heavenly kingdom," with some cutting their chests open and others jumping to death from high buildings.

     Xiaolin told her mother that it was a matter of course for Falun Gong members to "seek their heavenly kingdom" in one way or another. She herself wanted to cut her head open, or jump into the heaven," the parents told the gathering.

     Xiaolin, a registered nurse in Vancouver, even rejected any medical treatment when she became seriously ill, believing the only way out was practicing Falun Gong, as preached by Li Hongzhi, who threatens to take back his "sacred body" if any member sees a doctor or takes medicine.

     It was in a local hospital that Xiaolin was saved and began to recover.

     She has realized that she might have died elsewhere, but is still in lingering fear of punishment by her "teacher" Li Hongzhi, the parents said.

     They voiced their sincere support for the Chinese government in banning Falun Gong, saying many more people may have otherwise fallen victim to the evil cult.

     Xiaolin's suffering aroused strong sympathy and indignation among the leading Chinese Canadians in Montreal. Dai-Tong Lam, president of the Chinese community in Quebec, said there are enough facts showing that Falun Gong is an evil cult.

     Chinese Canadians in Montreal fully support banning the cult, he reaffirmed.

     Ms. Li Xiaofeng, head of the local women and children society, pointed out that the Chinese government is justified in outlawing the cult, which should not be allowed any longer to victimize innocent people and cause social instability.

     Many members of the local Chinese community said they would help make the facts better known in Canada so as to contribute to the smooth development of Canadian-Chinese ties.

Copyright by People's Daily Online
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