Tuesday, December 07, 1999 updated at  09:46

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China Bans Falun Gong

Scholars, Workers Combat Falun Gong Cult

     Chinese people from various social circles including experts and scholars of philosophy, educators and workers have continued their efforts to combat the negative influence of the Falun Gong cult.

     Two academic organizations of philosophical studies held a symposium in Haikou, capital city of south China's Hainan Province, to urge experts and scholars of philosophy to play an active role in refuting the fallacies of Falun Gong.

     Li Qiuling, a professor from the People's University of China, called on his counterparts to advocate correct views on the world, life, society and history, and help people fight superstitious concepts and lies spread by cults.

     In central China's Henan Province, a special group has been established to deal with Falun Gong-related problems in colleges and universities and technical secondary schools. The provincial education committee sent materials to colleges and universities and organized teachers and students to study the materials and criticize the Falun Gong cult.

     In another case, Zhou Jihong, a worker in Hengyang City in central China's Hunan Province, has abandoned her belief in Falun Gong with the help of her husband and Party officials from the factory. She and her husband, who were on the verge of divorce due to Zhou's practice of Falun Gong, have reclaimed their harmonious relationship.

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