Tuesday, November 16, 1999 updated at  15:50

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China Bans Falun Gong

Jurists Call for Crackdown on Evil Cults

     Chinese jurists say that the weapon of law must be fully applied in the fight against such evil cults as Falun Gong to win the final victory.

     They made the remark at a recent symposium organized by the China Law Society in Beijing, noting that the fight against Falun Gong is a serious political struggle to consolidate the Chinese Communist Party's leadership and the socialist system.

     She Mengxiao, vice president of the China Law Society, said that the decision recently adopted by the National People's Congress to ban evil cults fully demonstrates the principle of governing the country according to law.

    "This also indicates that in dealing with the problem of Falun Gong cult, we have law to rely on," he said.

     Experts say that Falun Gong and its leader, Li Hongzhi, not only have violated China's criminal law and other laws, but also pose a serious threat to the country's normal social order and social stability.

     Zhou Zhenxiang, a criminal law expert, said that the Falun Gong, which deifies its leader, spreads superstition, strictly controls its members, and has held illegal gatherings around government offices, has every feature of an evil cult and must be banned totally.

Copyright by People's Daily Online
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