Tuesday, November 16, 1999 updated at  15:52

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China Bans Falun Gong

Imprisonment for Four Falun Gong Cult Members

     Four key Falun Gong cult members in Haikou, the capital of Hainan Province, were given jail terms by a local court for violating laws by organizing and using the Falun Gong cult organization.

     The Intermediate People's Court in Haikou sentenced Song Yuesheng, Chen Yuan, Jiang Shilong and Liang Yulin and their terms of imprisonment were 13, 7, 3 and 2 years, respectively.

    Song received the heaviest penalty among the four for his leading role in 13 illegal gatherings of Falun Gong followers between July and September, after the Ministry of Public Security issued a ban on the cult. Song was also found guilty for escape from police custody.

     Liang Yulin was given two years of imprisonment for she surrendered herself to police, according to his written confession.

     According to the court, apart from organizing the 13 illegal gatherings of Falun Gong cult members, the four have also been accused of going to other cities to spread the Falun Gong cult doctrine.

     During today's court procedures, counsels defended the four during today's court procedures, which were attended by more than 400 local people, including local reporters.

Copyright by People's Daily Online
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