Thursday, August 26, 1999 updated at  16:33

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China Bans Falun Gong

Chinese Physicist Blasts Li Hongzhi's Fallacies

     Exposing Li Hongzhi's malicious motives using basic knowledge and facts concerning celestial bodies, professor Gui from the Dalian Polytechnic University said that Li Hongzhi's "doomsday theory" is not original but a deception shared by various cults worldwide.

     According to Li Hongzhi's doomsday theory, the Earth has exploded 81 times and could blow up again in the future. Li also deemed himself the paramount savior of the Earth and he has the power to control the explosion of the Earth.

     "It's as absurd to say that a cannon without dynamite can explode just as the Earth could blow up." Gui Yuanxing said.

     Professor Gui also criticized Li Hongzhi's claim that modern science is not science in the real sense and can not solve the mysteries in the universe. (Xinhua)

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