Friday, July 30, 1999 updated at  15:42

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China Bans Falun Gong

Chinese Scholars Criticize Falun Gong

    Professors and scholars of Chinese universities July 29 gave their support to the Falun Gong ban and expressed a desire to join the fight against the malicious fallacies of Li Hongzhi, who concocted the Falun Gong.

     At a Ministry of Education meeting, professors and scholars from Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Renmin University of China spoke about Falun Gong from a philosophical, legal, education, psychological, and scientific perspective.

     Professor Huang Nansen of Peking University said that Li Hongzhi's "work" is full of scientific terms but that he knows nothing about modern science. What he has done is nothing more than providing a scientific coating to his superstitious ideas.

     Vice-minister of Education Zhang Tianbao pointed out that education departments need to remain vigilant against the danger of Falun Gong and said that schools should help students to establish a correct world outlook. Schools spread modern culture, he said, and leave no room for malicious theories like Falun Dafa and that teachers need to provide a modern scientific education for students.

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