Saturday, July 24, 1999 updated at  13:11

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China Bans Falun Gong

Senior CPC Official on Falun Gong Prohibition

     A senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Friday made a speech, in which he declared that Party members are prohibited from participating in the activities of Falun Gong, an illegal organization founded by Li Hongzhi.

     The official, in charge of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, pointed out that the CPC has launched an education campaign within the Party to tackle the Falun Gong problem.

     "This is an important decision of the CPC Central Committee, and it is of great significance fort the building of the Party, the enhancement of the cohesive and combat strength of the Party, and the maintenance of China's reform, development and stability," he remarked.

     The official called on Party organizations at all levels and all Party members to study and implement the Party's recent circular on Falun Gong, and conscientiously engage in the education campaign.

     According to the official, Falun Gong groups have mushroomed across the country in recent years, and some Party members have joined Falun Gong groups and believe in the doctrine of Falun Dafa, a superstitious fabrication of Li Hongzhi.

     Some behind-the-scenes figures plotted, instigated, and misled a certain number of Falun Gong practitioners to illegally besiege and attack Party and government institutions, as well as media units. Even some Party members took part in those activities, which violated the Party's discipline, tarnished the image of the Party and resulted in severe consequences.

    The Ministry of Civil Affairs announced on Thursday that the Research Society of Falun Dafa and the Falun Gong organization under its control are illegal, and the Ministry of Public Security also issued a notice prohibiting all activities in support of Falun Gong.

     The official stressed that Party members should become models of observing the country's laws and regulations, safeguard social stability conscientiously, and voluntarily lead the masses to fight against any activity in violation of China's laws.

     "The few Party members who have participated in the Falun Gong organization should immediately separate themselves from that organization, and stop attending activities sponsored by the Falun Gong organization," the official urged.

     The Falun Dafa, or Falun Gong, concocted by Li Hongzhi, advocates idealism and theism, denies all science and truth, and contradicts modern science and modern civilization, and the basic theories and principles of Marxism, as well as China's great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

     "All Party members must observe the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, and firmly believe in Marxism, instead of embracing Falun Dafa," he emphasized.

     Marxism believes that the productive forces are the decisive factor for social development, and history is created by the people, while Li Hongzhi claims that social development has been arranged and decided by God and is controlled by him, which denies the objective laws of social development, the official pointed out.

     Marxists are atheists who hold the belief that there is no supernatural God. But Li Hongzhi proclaims that everything in the universe, from celestial bodies to elementary particles, including human beings, have been created by "Dajuezhe." Also, he claims that he is the only savior of the world.

     The official pointed out that the malicious fallacies advocated by Falun Dafa are completely at odds with fundamental purpose of the Party, namely to serve the people wholeheartedly.

     "Party members should always keep in mind and implement the Party's fundamental purpose, give priority to the interests of the Party and the people, stick to the communist ideal and the belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and unite and lead the masses to contribute to China's reform, economic development and social stability," he said.

     The official pointed to the fact that the so-called " truthfulness, Benevolence and tolerance" doctrine of Li Hongzhi's Falun Dafa is something highly deceptive, which has helped Li to cheat and confuse a lot of people.

     "However, if we take a close look at Li's evil deeds in recent years, it won't be hard for us to see through his hypocritical mask," noted the official.

     Li always told Falun Gong practitioners not to go to hospitals or take medicine for their ailments, as illness is caused by one's "evil debts" accumulated in the past and can only be cured through Falun Gong practice. Some people who believed his fallacies lost their lives because they failed to get medical treatment. Some people have committed suicide or lost their sanity after practicing Falun Dafa. Li also frequently instigated his followers to harass, intimidate and even besiege individuals and departments that criticized Falun Gong.

     "Where in the aforementioned facts can we find the 'benevolence ' and 'tolerance' Li often preaches?" asked the official.

     The official said that the ethical improvement and self- cultivation pursued by Communist Party members must be achieved through constantly reforming their subjective worlds, adhering to the principle of seeking truth from facts, pursuing truth and serving the people wholeheartedly.

     "Obviously, what we strive for and Li Hongzhi's wanton claim that a person should 'upgrade' himself or herself to become a ' Buddha', 'God' or other supreme being through Falun Gong exercises are poles apart," the official stressed.

     Citing relevant articles in the Party Constitution, the official said that it is a requirement of Communist Party discipline that a Party member should not become involved in practices such as those of Falun Dafa.

     "If a Communist Party member practices Falun Dafa and believes Li's malicious fallacies, he has completely betrayed the Party's fundamental theories, line and creed, and has also violated the Party's political discipline," he elaborated.

     According to the official, many Party members who once practiced Falun Dafa or participated in illegal gatherings of Falun practitioners have now voluntarily broken away from the Falun Gong organization. "This reflects their enhanced political awareness," he praised.

     Those extremely few Party members who, despite repeated persuasion and help from the government and the Party, keep on practicing Falun Gong and go so far as to participate in the organization's illegal gatherings aimed at disturbing social stability, will be severely punished according to Party discipline and laws of the state, he warned.

     The official went on to say that the emergence of the Falun Gong issue has "a complicated international and domestic backdrop. "

     "China's feudal society lasted for a quite long time, and the remnants of the decayed ideology of feudalism has not been wiped out," explained the official. "It will stage a comeback and poison the people's minds whenever there is an 'appropriate climate'."

     Moreover, he said, hostile forces in the Western countries have never stopped trying to "Westernize" and disintegrate China, and have constantly pursued ideological and cultural infiltration against China.

     "Under such circumstances, the ideological and political work in some places and departments has failed to meet the challenge of the new situation, and appeared weak, while some Party members have neglected study and the reform of their world outlooks and have allowed their faith in communist ideal to waver," the official pointed out.

     Party organizations at all levels must draw a lesson from the Falun Gong issue, take concrete measures to strengthen and improve their education and the management of the Party members, and adhere to the principle of being strict with all Party members, he said.

     "It is necessary to carry out education in Marxist materialism and atheism among the broad masses of the Party members in an extensive and profound manner, so as to help them constantly enhance their Party spirit and capacity to differentiate right from wrong," he noted.

     In order to strengthen the management of the Party members, the official said, all Party organizations must be run in strict accordance with the Party Constitution and other Party rules and regulations, and backsliding Party members must be dealt with in accordance with Party discipline.

     "All Party comrades must rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at its core, and strive hard for the advancement of the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics," the official urged. (Xinhua)

Copyright by People's Daily Online
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