Monday, July 26, 1999 updated at  09:30

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China FM in ASEAN Forum

Tang Jiaxuan Meets ROK FM in Singapore

     Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan met with Foreign and Trade Minister Hong Soon-young of the Republic of Korea in Singapore on July 24.

     During the meeting, Tang and Hong exchanged views on China-ROK relations and regional and international issues of common concern.

     Tang said that since China and ROK established diplomatic relations seven years ago, bilateral ties have achieved all-round development and mutually beneficial cooperation has been fruitful.

     China expresses satisfaction at the smooth development of bilateral ties and is ready to make joint efforts with ROK to push forward the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries, Tang said.

     Tang praised ROK for having reaffirmed its adherence to the one China policy. He explained the solemn and just stand of the government of the People's Republic of China on Lee Teng-hui's "two states theory" and exposed its nature of Taiwan independence.

     In a recent interview with German media, Lee defined the cross-Strait relations as "state-to-state relations."

     Hong said ROK firmly supports China's position on Taiwan and will not change its policy on the issue no matter what may happen to the situation across the Taiwan Strait.

     Tang is in Singapore for the 6th ASEAN Regional Forum, the Post-Ministerial Conference and the China-ASEAN Dialogue. (Xinhua)

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