Friday, September 17, 1999 updated at  13:52

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Refute Lee's Remarks

Lee Teng-hui's "Two States" Statement Goes Nowhere: FM Spokesman

     BEIJING, September 16 (Xinhua) -- The "two states" statement made by Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan, which runs counter to the historical trend, goes nowhere in the international arena and Lee' s attempt to split the motherland is doomed to failure, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi here today.

     Sun made the remarks when referring to the fact that the General Committee of the 54th session of the UN General Assembly has again refused the proposal raised by a small number of countries to list the issue of Taiwan's "representation" in the United Nations on the agenda of the session.

     Sun said that the fact has fully demonstrated the firm stand of most UN member nations to safeguard the purpose and principles of the UN Charter, maintain the UN Resolution 2758 and adhere to the "one China" policy.

     Facts have again indicated that the attempt of the Taiwan authorities to create "two Chinas" and "one China, One Taiwan" in the United Nations is "futile and unpopular", the spokesman said.

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