Friday, September 17, 1999 updated at  13:52

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Refute Lee's Remarks

China: Issue of Taiwan is Purely an internal Matter

     UNITED NATIONS, September 15 (Xinhua) -- The issue of Taiwan is purely an internal matter of China and an issue for the Chinese themselves to resolve, China said here on Wednesday.

     Responding to the issue of so-called "Taiwan's participation at the United Nations" raised once again by a small number of countries, Qin Huasun, Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations said at the 54th session of the General Assembly that there is nobody in the world who cares more about the future and interests of the 22 million Taiwan compatriots than the Chinese government and people.

     To solve the question of Taiwan and realize reunification of the motherland, the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping came up with the creative concept of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems" which later became and still remains a fundamental state policy, and President Jiang Zemin put forward an eight-point proposal for developing cross-straits relations and promoting peaceful reunification of the motherland, Qin said.

     All these policies and proposals have taken into account the paramount interests of national development and the long-term interest of the entire Chinese population, and they have also accommodated and helped protect the fundamental interest of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan's need for development, Qin said.

     Qin pointed out these policies and principles are warmly supported by all Chinese, including Taiwan compatriots, and well received by international community, and the smooth return of Hong Kong in 1997 and the return of Macao by the end of this year have proven the policy of "one country, two systems" is the aspiration of all Chinese, including Taiwan compatriots.

     As a matter of fact, the Chinese Government has taken a series of measures in recent years to promote dialogue, personnel exchange, economic relations and trade between the two sides of the Straits, Qin said.

     The separatist remarks by Lee Tenghui and the Taiwan authorities's attempt to create "two Chinas" in the international arena have severely damaged cross-straits relations, built up tension in the area and endangered peace and security in the Asia Pacific, Qin said.

     The proposal by the small number of countries would only fan the flames of Taiwan's separatist activities, hinder China's peaceful reunification and undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan straits area and the Asia pacific as a whole, Qin added.

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