Friday, September 17, 1999 updated at  13:52

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China: Taiwan Has been Inseparable part of China

     UNITED NATIONS, September 15 (Xinhua) -- There is only one China in the world and Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times, China stressed here on Wednesday.

     Responding to a small number of countries which once again raised the issue of so-called "Taiwan's participation at the United Nations, Chinese Permanent Representative to UN, Qin Huasun, said at the 54th session of the General Assembly that numerous international instruments, including the 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Postdam Proclamation, reaffirmed time and again China's sovereignty over Taiwan.

     Qin said according to international law, the change of government in a country does not change the composition of its territory or citizens, and the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 ended the history of the government of the Republic of China, and the government of the People's Republic of China has been the sole legal government representing the whole of China ever since.

     Qin said as a matter of fact, the Government of People's Republic of China, inheriting all Chinese territories under the jurisdiction of the previous government of the Republic of China, has exercised sovereignty over the whole of China, including Taiwan province and become the sole legal representative of China in the international community.

     To date, more than 160 countries in the world have diplomatic relations with China, and they all acknowledge that there is only one China in the world, that Taiwan is a part of China and that the Government of the people's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, Qin said.

     Qin said although the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are in a state of separation now, that does not change the status of Taiwan as a part of China, nor China's sovereignty over Taiwan, and the two sides of the Straits are by no means two countries, Qin said.

     Thus it is nothing strange that the minute it was dished ot, lee Tenghui's "special state-to-state relationship" theory met with unanimous opposition and condemnation of all Chinese within and outside of China, as well as wide criticism by the international community, Qin added.

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