Taiwan Authorities Urged to Conform to Historical Trend

MACAO, October 9 (Xinhua) -- A celebrated Macao businessman said here Saturday that the Taiwan authorities should conform to the historical trend of the times and return to the path of one- China principle as soon as possible.

"The Taiwan authorities should attach the most importance to the overall interests of the Chinese nation and shoulder responsibility in the great cause of reunification," said Ma Man Kei, chairman of the Macao Chamber of Commerce.

He made the remarks at a gathering marking the 88th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 which overthrew thousands of years of feudal monarchy and put forth the slogan of "revitalizing China."
Dr. Sun Yat-sen, leader of the revolution and founder of the Kuomintang Party, joined hands with the Communist Party in the 1920s to fight against reactionary warlords.

With the participation of hundreds of local people from all walks of life, the gathering was held in front of a bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen at the Kiang Wu Hospital where Dr. Sun had worked before he was engaged in revolutionary activities.

"The Communist Party of China carried forward the unfulfilled wish of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, overthrew the three big mountains of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, and completed the task of democratic revolution in China," Ma Man Kei said.

He noted that over the 50 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, particularly in the past two decades, the country has seen earth-shaking changes and the Chinese people have succeeded in finding a novel socialist road.

"Our success and progress today are able to console the souls of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and other revolutionary forerunners," he said.

While Hong Kong has returned to the motherland and Macao's return is coming soon, exchanges across the Taiwan Straits have developed well under the principle of peaceful reunification and " one country, two systems," Ma Man Kei said, citing the fact that after the strong earthquake in Taiwan, all Chinese people throughout the country have offered helping hands.

"The revitalization of the nation and reunification of the country have become an irresistible historical trend. The recent separatist remarks of Lee Teng-hui will surely be denounced by all Chinese people," Ma Man Kei said.