Lee Teng-hui, Troublemaker of International Community

Thursday's edition of the People's Daily will issue an editorial titled "Troublemaker of the International Community."

The editorial says that Lee Teng-hui received universal criticism after he made his "two-states" remarks, and his name has become a synonym for "troublemaker."

The editorial says that Lee makes trouble for the peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific Region.

It says the "two-states" remarks destroys the basis for cross- Straits talks and endangers the basis for the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

The editorial points out that Asia-Pacific countries are closely observing the development of the situation, and Lee has become the most dangerous factor for the peace and stability in the region.

It says Lee's act is closely connected with the present regional and world situation.

It says the US-led NATO launched air attacks on Yugoslavia by flaunting the banner that "human rights are more important than sovereignty."

This situation caused Lee to believe that the time was ripe for destroying the "one China" policy and advocating his "two-states" concept.

Lee believes that so long as cross-Straits relations become state-to-state relations, foreign powers will intervene in the name of "stopping an invasion" in case of military conflict, the editorial says.

However, Lee's calculation is wrong, the editorial says, adding he underestimates the determination and strength of the Chinese people for maintaining the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It stresses that the Chinese government and the Chinese people will never shut their eyes to separatist acts.
The editorial adds that Lee is blocking the sound development of Sino-US relations, and the Taiwan issue has become the core problem for these relations.

After Lee made his "two-states" remarks, the US administration reiterated again its adherence to the "one China" policy.

The editorial says that though Sino-US relations have experienced ups and downs, the overall trend is upward, as the development of relations is of strategic importance and is in accordance with the long-term interests of both countries.

The mainstream US media have blamed Lee's "venture diplomacy" for damaging the national interest of the United States.

It is widely recognized that there is only one China in the world, and that Taiwan is part of China. Over 100 countries reiterated their "one China" policy after Lee made his remarks.

This demonstrates that Lee's remarks have no living space in the international community.

The editorial says Lee will only have more trouble if he disregards the well-being of the people of Taiwan and the interests of the entire Chinese nation.