Xinhua Commentary Criticizes US Official's Remarks on Taiwan Question

BEIJING, September 9 (Xinhua) -- A Xinhua commentary today denounced remarks made by a US government official at a seminar in Washington, which defended Lee Teng-hui's "two-states" statements, and called the official's remarks "irresponsible" and a "rude interference" into China's internal affairs.

The US official said that the Chinese government "cannot blame it all on Lee Teng-hui" for the current tension across the straits and should adopt a "smarter policy" toward Taiwan, according to the commentary.

The commentary asked the US official to be clear about who should be responsible for the current tension.
In recent years, cross-straits relations have made progress under the principle of "One China," but Lee's remarks have denied this long-time principle of the two sides, the commentary said, noting that Lee has attempted to separate Taiwan from China's territory and thoroughly destroyed the basis for cross-straits exchanges.

History and reality have repeatedly proved that Lee Teng-hui is the main block to the development of cross-straits relations, the number one troublemaker for Sino-US relations, and a cause of instability in the Asia-Pacific Region, the commentary said.

The commentary further asked, Who should take the blame, if not Lee?

There are always some people in the world who do not want to see a reunified, prosperous and strong China and have attempted to create blocks to the peaceful reunification of China, the commentary said, adding that these people should learn from history.

The commentary went on to stress that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the sacred Chinese territory. The Taiwan issue is the internal affair of China, and an issue between Chinese on the two sides of the straits, the commentary said.

The Chinese government has emphasized time and again its desire for a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan Question, but has not promised to abandon the use of force, the commentary said. It is necessary for the Chinese people to defend their state sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"The Chinese people love peace, but people should remember that in modern times China has never been afraid of the threat of force, " the commentary said.

The establishment of stable Sino-US relations is in the common interest of both countries and their people, and conducive to the peace, stability and prosperity of the world, the commentary noted, and it urged the US Government to abide by the three communiques between the two governments.