Lee Teng-hui Plunges Kuomintang into Conflict Situation

BEIJING, September 1 (Xinhua) -- The Xinhua News Agency released a commentary today denouncing Lee Teng-hui for inserting his "two states" remarks into a resolution of the Kuomintang held on August 28-29.

The commentary says that under Lee's control, the "2nd plenary session of the Kuomintang's 15th Congress" passed the resolution to "set the tone" of the cross-Straits relations.

His move of including the "two states" remarks into party resolution exposed his political malice and naivety as well as his intention to split Chinese territorial integrity and sovereignty and an attempt to separate Taiwan from China, the commentary says.

Lee Teng-hui has imposed his splittist views and separatist stance upon the Kuomintang and pushed Taiwan people to the abyss of greater crisis by undermining the foundation of exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, which seriously threatens the cross-straits relations as well as peace and stability in the Asian-Pacific region.

The commentary says that the Kuomintang had all along adhered to the "one China" policy and fought against "Taiwan independence" since it fled from the mainland to Taiwan in 1949. However, after Lee took power, he has changed the Kuomintang's "one China" policy step by step.

During his rule in Taiwan, he has created in succession the " two equal political entities", "separate rules on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", and went as far as putting forward the splittist "two states" remarks, the commentary points out.

Lee's move of putting the "two states" remarks into the Kuomintang resolution has plunged the party into a conflict situation which will put an end to the future of the Kuomintang, the commentary says.

The commentary stresses that ever since the emergence of the " Taiwan issue", the Chinese Communist Party and the government have insisted on its "one China" stand, and put forward the creative framework of "peaceful reunification," and "one country, two systems" for the purpose of solving the Taiwan issue, with the prerequisite of one China.

The Chinese government has all along strongly fought against the "two Chinas", "one China, one Taiwan", and "Taiwan independence", and promised that within the framework of "one China", Taiwan will enjoy high autonomy after reunification.

The Chinese government advocates peaceful reunification of the motherland, but never promises to give up its use of force.

Lee stubbornly advocated his "two states" remarks, and went so far as putting it into the Kuomintang resolution, which will result in serious damage to the cross-Straits relations. Lee's splittist attempt is doomed to fail, the commentary stresses.