Chinese Lawmakers Call For Continued Fight Against Lee's Splittist Remarks

BEIJING, August 30 (Xinhua) -- Five members of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, today called for fighting relentlessly against the separatist remarks and activities of Taiwan leader Lee Teng- hui.

"We must ensure that Taiwan's status as an inalienable part of the Chinese territory not be altered" by Lee's malicious conspiracies, said Yang Guiqing in a speech jointly authored by himself and Liu Yiming, Yan Keqiang, Du Yijin, and Tong Fu, and delivered at a legislative session.

The five legislators also pointed out that more should be done to explain to Taiwan compatriots the Central Government's policy on peaceful reunification and the perilous consequences of Lee's " two states" remarks that redefine the cross-Straits relations as " state-to-state."

The lawmakers said that Lee's remarks have created chaos on the island by sending the stock market into a downward spiral. His words also betrayed the best interests of the Taiwan compatriots by running counter to their desire for peace, stability and development.

Lee Teng-hui's remarks are an insult to the patriotic public in Taiwan because they, just like the rest of the Chinese people, value the tradition of patriotism and unity, the lawmakers said.

History has proven that the smooth development of cross-Straits relations means real benefits to the Taiwan people, the lawmakers noted. Taiwan's trade surplus with the mainland exceeded 95 billion US dollars in the past 20 years and played a significant role in Taiwan's industrial growth, they said.
The Taiwan issue was a result of China's civil war, and the current separation is just temporary and not grounds for a permanent segregation, they said.