China's Financial Circles Criticize Lee's Separatist Remarks

BEIJING, August 9 (Xinhua) -- The Financial Work Committee of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held a symposium here today to criticize the separatist remarks of Taiwan leader Lee Tung-hui.

Participants pointed out that Lee's redefinition of cross- strait relations as "state-to-state" relations runs counter to the historical trend, as well as the will of the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese.

Yan Haiwang, deputy secretary of the CPC Central Committee Financial Work Committee, said that financial workers should strive for the healthy growth of the national economy and the increase of national strength in order to contribute to the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

Some 40 prominent bankers, overseas Chinese business moguls, and other well-known financial figures attended today's meeting.

They said that the Chinese nation has historically valued the concept of unity, and the spirit of opposing separatism has been imbedded in their blood. Lee will be forsaken by all Chinese people, including the Taiwan compatriots.

Lee's separatist remarks have also caused outcries from peace- loving people worldwide, and many countries have reiterated their endorsement of the "one China" principle.