Pak PM Reiterates "One China" Policy

ISLAMABAD, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has reiterated Pakistan's supported "One China" policy, saying that "this is our principled stand".

In his letter addressed to Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji this week, Sharif said, "we firmly believe that Taiwan is and will remain an inalienable part of China and that it should return to the motherland."

"No country has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of China by encouraging Taiwan to assume sovereign statehood," said the prime minister.

Referring to the latest statement by Taiwan leader Lee Teng-hui that relations between Taiwan and the mainland should be treated on "state-to-state" basis, Sharif said, Pakistan has been shocked by this "untenable statement which seeks to give the impression that Taiwan is a separate state.

"We condemn this statement," said Sharif.

Pakistan stands in full support and solidarity with China's principled position on the Taiwan issue and the aspirations of the Chinese people, Sharif said.

He said, "China has justifiably reacted to the Taiwanese statement which we consider as highly irresponsible and in defiance of the will of the Chinese people."

"Chinese sovereignty and territory are indivisible," Sharif said, adding that the Pakistani government and people reiterate "the unqualified endorsement and support to the One China policy." (Xinhua) =07250811