Lee's "Two-Nations" Theory Slammed in New Zealand

WELLINGTON, July 22 (Xinhua) -- The "two nations" theory preached recently by Lee Teng-hui, leader of Taiwan authorities, was slammed here as "dangerous" Thursday.

At a symposium, more than 40 representatives of overseas Chinese and Chinese students strongly denounced Lee's divisive conspiracy and expressed their great concern about the cause of China's reunification. They noted that whoever splits China will stand condemned through the ages.

Geophysicist Hai Zhu, who settled down here from Shanghai 10 years ago, said Lee Teng-hui's "two nations" theory is a dangerous sign that Taiwan authorities have taken a great step back from the reunification of the country. His divisive acts, Zhu added, have worsened the relations across the Taiwan Straits, causing serious worries among the Chinese people both at home and abroad.

Wong Yok Shee, an overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, condemned the "two nations" theory as "very ridiculous." "Taiwan has, since ancient times, been part of China," he stressed.

Binh Heng, an overseas Chinese from Cambodia, praised the concept of "one country, two systems" with a unified China advocated by the Chinese government as the "best principle" to solve the Taiwan issue.
All overseas Chinese firmly oppose any attempt to separate Taiwan from China, he stressed.

Lei Zhuang, who is studying in Wellington, said he was very angry when he heard the separatist remarks made by Lee Teng-hui.

"Lee Teng-hui is playing with fire," he warned.