Islamic Group Demands UN to Forbid Defamation of Islam

The Mecca-based Muslim World League (MWL) on Thursday demanded the United Nations forbid the defamation of Islam and Muslims, Kuwait's official KUNA news agency reported.

In a statement issued in Saudi Arabia, MWL Secretary General Abdullah Al-Turkey called on the U.N. to adopt an international law that forbids the "assailment of divine religions," especially Islam.

He cited the campaign by Western media against Islam, warning that connecting Islam with terrorism will stir up hatred against Muslims.

"Such campaign will affect security and stability worldwide," he stressed, saying that the "unjust" campaign against Islam violates the U.N. Charter and contradicts with human rights principles.

He also expressed the Arab world's "discontent" over the continuous cultural and media campaigns against Islam and Muslims in the West, urging the international community to take a stand against those campaigns.

Finally, he urged the Islamic popular and official organizations, especially the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to defend Islam.

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