UN Team Arrives in Zimbabwe to Assess Progress on Abuja Pact

The first group of the United Nations team to assess the implementation of the Abuja agreement has arrived in Harare to work with Zimbabwe's Ministry of Land, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement on land information management, according to the Herald newspaper on Thursday.

The report said the advance team, which includes the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Land Information Management specialists, arrived here from Rome on Monday and would meet the key government officials and other stakeholders.

A team of UN legal experts would be in Zimbabwe for the next two weeks while the main group is scheduled to arrive here on November 14, said the report.

The FAO sub-regional representative David Palmer said the UN mission wanted to assess capacity for establishing a land information management system within the government.

The outcome of the mission would form the basis for funding of the land reform and resettlement program.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/