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Tuesday, October 30, 2001, updated at 10:42(GMT+8)

Forbes Lists China's 100 Richest Entrepreneurs

" Forbes Global " , an American famous finance and economic magazine, issued on Octber 28 China's 100 Richest Entrepreneurs and made known to the world. The No.1 among them are Liu Yongxing, Liu Yonghao and their brothers, heads of the Hope Group who started their career on forage with a net value of RMB 8300 million yuan. Next came Yang Bin of the Ou Ya Group, a capital of RMB 7470 million yuan, followed by Yang Rong of Hua Chen Holdings with a net amount of RMB 6972 million yuan and Rong Zhijian in Zhong Xin Fu Tai, a value of RMB 6474 million yuan.

Which Trades Cultivate Rich People?

As indicated in the ranking, the real estate is the most popular industry in present-day China, which is represented by No. 5, Xu Rongmao's World Trade Group with a total value of RMB 6000 million yuan and the other 25 also being real estate companies, such as No. 6 Chen Lihua's Hong Kong Fu Hua International Group, also No.1 female rich in China with a capital of RMB 5312 million yuan and No.23 Chen Jinfei's Beijing Tongchan Investment Group, an amount of RMB1792 million yuan. Medicine industry, particularly the traditional Chinese medicine, occupies the second position in the ranking. The representatives are Wu yijian, No.8 of the Golden Flower Group in Shaanxi with a total of RMB 3984 million yuan and No.10. Zhang Simin of the Hai Wang Group with a capital of RMB3486 million yuan.

What Kind of People Can Get Rich?

The survey shows that among the top 100 Chinese rich people, the majority is the owners of individually owned enterprises, their age averaging at 45 years old. The youngest is No. 18, Xu Ming of Dalian Shide Group, 30 years old and Sun Shengyou, aged 71, the oldest of Dalian Xin Xing Group. Among them 73 had to drop out from school due to the "Culture Revolution", 19 have never received higher education, and 6 ever went abroad for study, with 7 being the female and 91 from the Chinese mainland.

18 people disappeared from this year's ranking list. The reason partly lies in the fact of raising the ranking criteria. As compared with No. 50's assets of RMB 400 million yuan of last year, No.100, Song Zhenghuan's assets has reached RMB 500 million yuan this year. Internet elites failed to appear on this year's ranking list. Yang Lan's ranking drops from No. 38 last year to No. 56 this year.

By PD Online Staff Yang Ruoqian

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" Forbes Global " , an American famous finance and economic magazine, issued on Octber 28 the top 100 rich people in the Chinese mainland and made known to the world.

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