Taliban Establishes Three Refugee Camps, Hosting 300 Families

An Afghan Taliban official said on Sunday that three refugee camps have been established in Spin Boldak town of Kandahar province, hosting around 300 families, according to the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP).

"Now around 300 refugee families are there and relief goods including food and clothes are being distributed to them", said Mohammed Umar Umari, the Taliban official.

"No relief organization, Muslim or non-Muslim, is helping us and these people, that's why we have established the camps", he said.

He complained that thousands of Afghans trying to cross the Pak- Afghan border for refuge have been stopped inside Afghanistan while Pakistan persisted in keeping its border closed.

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said on Saturday that at least two million Afghan refugees would flood into Pakistan if the borders between the two countries were reopened. For the time being, Pakistan's border with Afghanistan remains closed to prevent a major influx of Afghan refugees.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/