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Sunday, October 28, 2001, updated at 11:58(GMT+8)

Dalai Lama Lies about Tibet's Religion, Culture

An official of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature in China, said in Beijing on October 27 what the Dalai Lama said at the European Parliament general assembly is "sheer nonsense designed to fool the world."

The Dalai Lama said on October 24 at the EP general assembly that Tibet is "oppressed by force and scarred by suffering" and " an entire people with its unique culture and identity are facing the threat of extinction".

The official said the Dalai Lama has fled from the country for more than 40 years and has never since set his feet again on the soil of Tibet. "Therefore, he knows nothing of the real situation there."

He said, after the Dalai Lama fled amidst failure of the armed rebellion in 1959, democratic reform was carried out at the strong request of the broad masses of the Tibetan people. The extremely barbarous serfdom system was abolished. In 1965, the ethnic regional autonomy was instituted in Tibet to make it one of the five autonomous regions at the provincial level in China.

The once serfs and slaves under the Dalai's rule became masters of their own destiny. With the help of the Central Government and other areas throughout the country, economy in Tibet boomed fast and the living standard there increases continuously, he said.

At the same time, the ethnic culture, education and public health causes there have scored tremendous progress, and freedom of religious belief and all the fundamental rights and freedoms have been guaranteed to the full.

He said that at present, fresh achievements are being made in the reform and opening-up, economic restructuring and all other social drives in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, where the situation is stable, economy developing, society progressing, and people are living and working in harmony and contentment.

"Tibet has experienced earth-shaking changes," he said.

He said that history and facts show no tolerance towards distortion. In the past 40 years, the culture, religion and ethnicity in Tibet are highly upheld and greatly developed and are not "facing the threat of extinction" as described by the Dalai Lama.

In a short span of only 40 years, Tibet has gone through a social and economic revolution that would normally have required centuries for mankind to accomplish.

"This makes Tibet one of the fastest developed and best improved areas of the contemporary world in terms of various kinds of social undertakings and the human rights situation," he said. " What Dalai said about the religious and cultural conditions in Tibet is also sheer nonsense designed to fool the world."

In This Section

An official of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature in China, said in Beijing on October 27 what the Dalai Lama said at the European Parliament general assembly is "sheer nonsense designed to fool the world."

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