More Anthrax Found in Senate Building

Anthrax was found at two more spots in the Hart Senate office building, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle said on Thursday.

The new anthrax-contaminated locations were in the same wing of the building which houses Daschle's office where an anthrax-laden letter was opened on October 15, he said.

"Evidence of anthrax was found on an air conditioning filter of the ninth floor of the Hart building and at the stairwell leading from the 8th to the 9th floor," Daschle said.

But he added that experts thought it was "neither a surprise nor a concern." "Environmental testing and nasal swabs of this section of the Hart building show no further exposure beyond what we already know," he said.

Authorities announced on Wednesday that anthrax was found on the first floor elevator bank in another wing of Hart, the southwest section. This wing has been sealed off.

More than 6,000 people were given nasal swabs to check for anthrax exposure last week, and 28 congressional staff tested positive.

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