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Friday, October 26, 2001, updated at 17:08(GMT+8)

Israeli Palestinian Security Officials to Meet on Withdrawal

Israeli, Palestinian and US security officials are to meet on Friday to discuss the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Palestinian-controlled West Bank areas, according to a statement from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office.

The announcement was made late Thursday night by the Israeli inner security cabinet which also said that a gradual withdrawal from the Palestinian controlled areas will begin only when the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) meets the Israeli security demands.

"Israel does not intend to remain in A areas (under full Palestinian control) for long; departure from A areas will be made possible to the extent that the PNA implements its commitments," said the statement.

Israel has demanded that the PNA hand over the assassins of its Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi and act to prevent attacks on Israel before it agrees to withdraw troops from the six Palestinian towns and cities it re-occupied in the wake of Ze'evi's killing on October 17.

The security cabinet meeting was held after the military incursion drew sharp criticism from the international community, which urged Israel to pull out immediately and stay away from the Palestinian territories.

Despite international pressure, the Israeli security cabinet decided to keep the option of entering the Palestinian areas open.

"Israel is committed to peace but, at the same time, is committed - first and foremost - to the protection of its citizens. To this end, Israel reserves for itself freedom of action according to security needs," said the statement.

The Israeli military incursion, of the widest scope since the 1993 Oslo peace accords, resulted in the death of more than 40 Palestinians, including women and children. Israel also reported arrests of 42 Palestinian "terrorists" during its week-long operations.

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Israeli, Palestinian and US security officials are to meet on Friday to discuss the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Palestinian-controlled West Bank areas, according to a statement from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office.

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