EU to Send 118 Observers to Monitor General Elections in Zambia

A group of 118 observers from the European Union (EU) will come to monitor the forthcoming general elections in Zambia at the invitation of the Zambian Foreign Ministry, the Daily Mail newspaper reported on Tuesday.

This was disclosed by advisor to the EU Electoral Unit Civic Education James Pirious on Monday when he paid a courtesy call on Livingstone District administrator David Siansundi.

Pirious said that 18 observers had already arrived to monitor the ongoing campaign process throughout this southeastern African country, where the elections will be held in November or December.

The observers' main objective is to assist the Zambian government to come up with a free and fair election, especially considering that more than 20 political parties are taking part in the elections, he said.

After the elections, 100 observers will remain to witness the transition of the government, he added.

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