Israel Under Fresh Anthrax Threat

Israel is under fresh anthrax threats after an Arab lawmaker received an envelop containing some white powder and a suspicious envelop was discovered in a post office in northern Jerusalem on Sunday.

The Knesset (parliament) security personnel sealed a wing of the Knesset building after Ahmed Tibi, an Arab Knesset member, received a letter containing some unidentified white power and a note saying "death to Arabs."

The lawmakers have been given a briefing on the anthrax threat after the incident, the Army Radio reported.

In another development in the day, a post office in the northern Jerusalem area of Ramat Eshkol was evacuated and closed after an envelope was discovered containing a suspicious substance.

Last week, two lawmakers from the left-wing Meretz Party received suspicious envelops, but no anthrax was detected.

Following the anthrax scare in the United States, Israeli authorities said that the Jewish state has been bracing against biological terrorism attacks.

People's Daily Online ---