Israel's Peace Group Protests Exploitation of Assassination of MinisterPeace Now, Israel's largest pro-peace organization, on Friday criticized the government's exploitation of the assassination of Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi by Palestinian gunmen on Wednesday."The government of Israel is cynically exploiting the assassination of Tourism Minister Ze'evi in order to drag us into an all-out military confrontation with the Palestinian (National) Authority and the Palestinian people," Moria Shlomot, director of Peace Now, said in a statement. "There is no consensus in the Israeli public for such a war, and we protest the attempt to foist upon us the agenda of an extremist minority," Shlomot added. Peace Now has announced that it would hold a demonstration outside Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's official residence in Jerusalem Saturday night. The slogan for the protest would be "Stop the War." Ze'evi, a leading far-right minister, was shot and killed by Palestinian gunmen in Jerusalem Wednesday morning. He became the most senior Israeli official killed in the more than one year of Israeli-Palestinian violence. Since then, Israel has launched a series of retaliation attacks against the Palestinians, including incursion into West Bank cities under full Palestinian control, and the violence has escalated. |
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