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Wednesday, October 17, 2001, updated at 11:01(GMT+8)

Northeast China Province Closes Illegal Small Coal Mines

A total of 249 illegally operating small coal mines have been forced to shut down this year in northeast China's Liaoning Province out of safety concerns.

The province has ordered all the township coal mines to suspend operations while they undergo reforms, and to set strict standards for their power, ventilation and drainage facilities, provincial officials said.

After making required changes, only a few of the mines have been deemed worthy of operation by the government, the officials said.

Meanwhile, the government conducted a series of investigations into operations of coal mines across the province and found many hidden safety hazards.

During the past several years, the province has closed 996 unsafe coal mines, sources said.

Liaoning is rich in coal deposits, and its industry relies heavily on coal energy.

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A total of 249 illegally operating small coal mines have been forced to shut down this year in northeast China's Liaoning Province out of safety concerns.

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