Chinese Film Panorama 2001 Opens in Hong Kong

The Chinese Film Panorama 2001 opened Tuesday evening at the Hong Kong Cultural Center (HKCC).

Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong, Sil-Metropole Organization Ltd and Southern Film Co. Ltd, 10 films which were all new works of talented directors from the mainland, will be screened.

"The Chinese Film Panorama 2001 will not only provide a valuable opportunity for filmmakers to share their accomplishments with the audience, but through open forums and meet-the-audience sessions, will also enable the local audience and filmmakers to know more about the Chinese film industry," said Paul Leung, director of leisure and cultural services of Hong Kong, at the opening ceremony.

The opening film "Purple Sunset" is the last film in director Feng Xiaoning's "War and Peace" series.

Some of the highlights at the Chinese Film Panorama are "The Gua Sha Treatment" played by Hong Kong actor Tony Leung Ka-fai; "Who Cares" is the latest comedy director of Huang Jianxin whose previous works are well-received by Hong Kong film buffs.

"A Love of Blueness" is the latest production of director Huo Jianqui who made the award-winning film "Postmen in the Mountains"while his new film won him many awards.

In addition to the screenings, a forum on The Transition of Chinese Movies into Commercial Cinema will be held on Wednesday at the Hong Kong City Hall Theater.

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