Ape-man's Wooden Tool Unearthed in China

Chinese archaeologists lately found a wooden tool used by ape-man back to a time of the Old Stone Age in Linyi City, Shandong Province. Preliminary study shows the tool must be made and used 700,000 years ago, filling in a blank in China's archaeological study into the early time of the Old Stone Age.

For a long time in the past archaeologists in China believed that during the Old Stone Age both wooden and stone tools were used by ape-man, but no evidence was found.

Not long ago archaeologists unearthed stoneware 700,000 years ago in Sangang Village of Linyi, and then found wooden tool at the same site. It has been damaged with a current length of 61 cm and a diameter of 9 cm. It shows obvious marks of digging and is staffed by gray-greenish sands. Experts say it was a tool used by ape-man for hunting and self-protection.

By PD Online Staff Li Heng

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/