Top Chinese Legislator Meets Canadian Guests

Top Chinese Legislator Meets Canadian Guests
Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), met with a Canadian delegation led by Speaker of the Senate of the Federal Parliament of Canada (FPC) Daniel Hays Monday afternoon.

The two sides held talks on bilateral relations, the relationship between the NPC and the FPC, democratic legal building and other issues of common concern.

Li Peng said that since the two countries established diplomatic ties 31 years ago, exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the political, economy and trade and all other fields have continued to develop, leaders of the two countries have had frequent visits, and the two sides have held the same or similar views on many important international issues.

He said that China and Canada do have differences in terms of social systems, historical backgrounds, cultural traditions and economic development levels, but these should not be obstacles preventing the development of bilateral relations. The two sides should learn from each other in the process of competition and realize common development in the process of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

China and Canada have broad and important common interests and the development of friendly bilateral cooperative relations has a solid foundation. The Sino-Canadian friendship is in accordance with the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, and is also conducive to the regional and world peace and development, Li said.

Li also introduced to the guests the NPC's democratic legal system. He said that China's goal is to build a country under the rule of law and the legal framework for a socialist market economy has already taken shape. When China becomes a member of the World Trade Organization, the NPC will revise related laws accordingly.

He said that the NPC is willing to reinforce exchanges and cooperation with its Canadian counterpart, and will make efforts to promote the further development of bilateral friendly relations.

Hays said that the Canadian side pays special attention to the important role of the NPC. The FPC and the NPC have established a friendly relationship, he said, hoping that this relationship will be further reinforced.

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